Welcome to the ESII Tool Commons!

The ESII team has established this Commons as a forum for users of the ESII Tool to provide insight and feedback that will help guide the evolution of the ESII Tool over time.  The full launch of the Commons is planned for Q3 of 2017.  If you are interested in joining the Commons, please complete the following questionnaire and we will keep you up to date on our progress and opportunities for you to engage!

Please read the Terms of Use carefully before joining the Commons. 

Benefits of Joining the Commons

  • Get additional exposure to the ESII Tool’s models and framework
  • Provide comments and ideas related to improving the ESII Tool over time
  • Get access to, and help build, a results benchmarking document that helps users better understand likely scoring ranges for various types of map units
  • Join a community of users in moderated discussions intended to help us all make better decisions about projects that affect the ecosystem
  • Take advantage of upcoming training and certification programs
  • Receive information on updates, training opportunities, shared case studies, etc.