Survey Question Landscaped Area: Shrub Hedge
A shrub hedge consists of mostly shrub plantings but may include flower plantings or other non-woody, soft and green stemmed plants. The hedge is assumed to provide a natural look and usually provides some visual screening value. The surface material is assumed to be exposed soils but surfaces may be a permeable layer of bark mulch. If other materials are used the responses should be adjusted accordingly (i.e. higher or lower planting density; use of bark mulch; evergreens are more prominent than deciduous; etc.). All responses should be reviewed against desired outcomes for a given project design. However, highlighted responses below require answers specific to each map unit condition regardless of design (e.g. soil conditions, slope, water regime, etc.) because these conditions are unique to every map unit for this habitat type.
Survey Response Considerations
Habitat Type Developed or Managed Assumes well established and maintained condition
Which of the following best describes the map unit habitat type? Select only one. Landscaped Area Assumes well established and maintained condition
Which vegetation type is dominant within the map unit? Select one. Medium shrub (1.8-6.5') Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the average height of the dominant vegetation? 3.5-7' Assumes well established and maintained condition
What type of shrub or tree is dominant? Deciduous (broad leaf) Assumes well established and maintained condition
Non-woody, soft and green stems group 10-30% Assumes well established and maintained condition
Shrub group 5-10% Assumes well established and maintained condition
Tree group Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the TOTAL area of the map unit occupied by standing stems and/or trunks of vegetation? 10-30% Assumes well established and maintained condition
Non-woody, soft and green stems group 10-30% Assumes well established and maintained condition
Shrub Group 30-60% Assumes well established and maintained condition
Tree Group Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the TOTAL aerial cover within the map unit? 60-90% Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the total aerial cover along the map unit's edge? 30-60% Assumes well established and maintained condition
Emergent Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
Submergent Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
Floating mats Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the total cover for all aquatic vegetation (emergent, submergent and floating mat) within the map unit? Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the dominant material exposed to the sun? Deciduous vegetation Assumes well established and maintained condition
What percent of the map unit's ground surface is covered by fallen stems/branches that are less than 3 inches in diameter? 5-10% Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the average density of the stems/branches? Sparse (10-30%) Assumes well established and maintained condition
What percent of the map unit is covered by litter/duff? <5% Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the average thickness of the litter/duff layer? <1 Assumes well established and maintained condition
What percent of the map unit's surface is exposed (not covered by living or dead vegetation)? 10-30% Unique to every map unit
Which type of natural or man-made materials is most dominant? For aquatic habitats select the bed material. Select one. Sand (0.05 - 0.1 dia) Unique to every map unit
Organic material <5% Unique to every map unit
Clay (<0.002 dia.) 5-10% Unique to every map unit
Silt (0.002 - 0.05 dia) 5-10% Unique to every map unit
Sand (0.05 - 0.1) 60-90% Unique to every map unit
Gravel (0.1 - 4 dia) 5-10% Unique to every map unit
Cobble (4 - 10 dia) Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
Rocks (10 - 24 dia) Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
Boulders (>24 dia) Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
Bedrock Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
Man-made pervious/porous surface Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
Man-made impervious surface Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
Unknown/Other Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
What percent of the map unit contains microtopography? <10% Unique to every map unit
What percent of the map unit's area is made up of depressional areas (areas greater than 6 inches in depth relative to surrounding surface)? Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the slope (gradient) of the map unit? Select the predominant slope where multiple slopes are present. <3% Unique to every map unit
If <3% (1-2 degrees) is selected AND the map has flowing water (i.e., stream or river), then select one of the following. If flowing water is NOT present, select 1-2% (1-1.5 degrees). 1-2% Unique to every map unit
If there is a predominant slope, what is the longest length of the map unit along the fall-line? 50-100' Unique to every map unit
How permeable is the soil? High (majority sand and gravel) Unique to every map unit
Does the map unit become saturated or inundated over the course of a normal year? No Assumes well established and maintained condition
If the map unit is saturated or inundated during the course of a normal year, is the saturation or inundation occasional, seasonal, or permanent? None Unique to every map unit
If the map unit is saturated or inundated during the course of a normal year, what percent of the map unit is affected by saturation or inundation (this may be based on local knowledge of the site)? Not present/Negligible Unique to every map unit
If the map unit is saturated or inundated during the course of a normal year, what is the salinity regime? None Unique to every map unit
If the map unit is saturated or inundated during the course of a normal year, what type of water motion is present? None Unique to every map unit
What is the average bankfull width for the map unit? 0 Does not typically apply to this habitat type
What is the average bankfull height for the map unit? 0 Does not typically apply to this habitat type
What is the average Ordinary High Water (OHW) width for the map unit? 0 Does not typically apply to this habitat type
What is the average height to Ordinary High Water (OHW) for the map unit? 0 Does not typically apply to this habitat type
Is the map unit within a low, medium, or high sinuosity (degree of curve or bend) system? NA Does not typically apply to this habitat type
What is your level of certainty for the stream dimension measurements? NA Does not typically apply to this habitat type
What percent of the map unit contains open water that is free of vegetation or other obstructions? Not present/Negligible Does not typically apply to this habitat type
When water is present, what is the predominant depth? Not present Does not typically apply to this habitat type
What area of the map unit is made up of, or affected by, a seep or spring? No seep or spring present Does not typically apply to this habitat type
Are surface sheens (iridescent or rainbow-like films) present? No Does not typically apply to this habitat type
Are the surface sheens natural (from bacteria) or unknown? NA Does not typically apply to this habitat type
Is the map unit adjacent to a developed area (industrial plant, road, ag. field, etc.)? Yes Unique to every map unit
Is the map unit adjacent to areas of permanent open water? No Unique to every map unit
What direction is the center of the map unit from the adjacent open water area? Select all that apply. NA Unique to every map unit
What percent of the map unit shows evidence of any type of recent manmade VEGETATION disturbance? 10-30% Unique to every map unit
What percent of the map unit shows evidence of manmade SOIL disturbance? Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
Of the disturbed area, what percent of the soil disturbance is due to compaction (from vehicle traffic, construction, agriculture, etc.)? Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
Of the disturbed area, what percent of the soil disturbance is due to conventional tillage practices or comprised of over-turned (bladed) soil? Not present/Negligible Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the relative elevation of the map unit? That is, is it higher or lower than surrounding map units? Higher and Lower Assumes well established and maintained condition
On average, what is the height difference from surrounding map units (difference from ground level)? < 7' Assumes well established and maintained condition
What is the degree of screening provided by foliage within the map unit? Assume that this is being estimated at a time when leaves are present. Moderate Assumes well established and maintained condition